Contact Us

Get information, request resources and more


Please contact our enrollment coordinator Jody Rossi with the form below, or call at 763-561-2120 x2550 to begin the enrollment process.


Our enrollment team is excited to speak with you about Brooklyn Center Community schools. Get more information about specific schools, programs, and more at BCCS286.ORG.


To complete your enrollment application with our coordinator, please bring a birth certificate, immunization record, and proof of residency.

Reach out with a specific question, or schedule an enrollment appointment here.

Contact Form


Anti-racism in Brooklyn Center

Diverse. Inclusive. Courageous.

In Brooklyn Center, we advocate for social, economic and political change to meet the needs of our beautifully eclectic community. And we know that diversity must lead to inclusion if we want to make meaningful progress. So, instead of avoiding discomfort, we work to reject our biases — big or small — by confronting them with ferocity and compassion.